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Discover some basics about Hypnotherapy and NLP

Being in a ‘trance’ or 'hypnotic' state or what psychology terms as a natural flow state, is simply a highly focused relaxed state that we enter in and out of throughout the day. It is completely safe and natural.


Other examples of trance are; enjoying a hobby, watching an engrossing film, drifting in and out of a conversation. This trance state is something we all do.


Hypnotherapy is about utilising this naturally occurring and totally absorbed state and making those changes that you want, and you can do that in complete control.


Maybe this is the first time you have considered Hypnotherapy and aren't yet aware of how relaxing and life changing this therapy can be? 


Just to clear a few things up


  • You can’t be made to reveal anything about yourself that you do not want to reveal. 

  • Hypnotherapy can’t make you do anything you do not wish to do.

  • You are completely in control at all times.

  • Hypnotherapy is the glue that makes the changes you want, stick, creating lasting change.


NLP (Neuro linguistic programming)


Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; Programming refers to how that neural language functions. 


NLP was developed by modelling extremely effective Therapists, who achieved successful results with their clients.


All of life's learnings are understood and registered through our senses. I.e. visual, auditory, feelings, taste and smell.


Patterns of repeated thoughts and behaviours both good and bad can become fixed. We then run these patterns automatically on a daily basis.


Sometimes we can feel trapped by our way of thinking, thereby conditioning us into the way we behave. It could be an internal dialogue telling us a story how things are, but this could be a false story and that is probably why we do the same things, say the same things, and get the same results again and again.


However, unwanted patterns can be changed. NLP helps by reprogramming them into useful, positive, life enhancing, beneficial patterns and improve the way we communicate with others too. When used alongside hypnotherapy it is most effective. 


NLP is now used widely in other areas such as; 

Life-coaching, Sports, Psychotherapy, Business Communication, Leadership and Education. 


The BLAST Technique® (Bi-Lateral Analysis and Stimulation Treatment) 

Originating from EMDR, although faster and more effective.


It draws from some of the research of Neuroscientist and Neuropsychologists Joseph LeDoux, Peter Naish and Ksenja da Silva.


It utilises several treatment modalities to create what we, and many other therapists trained in this field, are finding the fastest, most effective treatment for PTSD and trauma, anxiety, anger, addictions, phobias, bullying, mugging, guilt, shame and many more problems. 


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